Weather forecast for the Isle of Man
No weather warnings

Detailed forecast
Cloudy with outbreaks of rain this evening and tonight, turning wintry over the hills at first. Feeling quite breezy in the fresh to strong southeast wind, although that wind will ease overnight. Minimum temperature of 2°C.
Another cloudy day tomorrow with some patchy light rain at times. Moderate, locally fresh easterly winds and a best temperature of just 5°C.
Dull and cloudy on Sunday with the continued risk of occasional rain or drizzle. Fresh to strong southeast winds and a top temperature of 6°C.
Forecast by
For further information and updates to forecasts, telephone:
• Recorded Weather Forecast (updated six times each day): 0900 624 3300
• Recorded Shipping Forecast (updated five times each day): 0900 624 3322
• WeatherMann - speak to a Forecaster (24hrs): 0900 624 3200
Calls cost 50p per minute plus your phone company's access charge.
NOTICE: Forecasts are based on the latest data available at the time of issue but are subject to updates and changes. Always ensure that you have the most recent information. You accept all risks and responsibility for losses, damages, costs and other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from any use of this information.