Further information on registered buildings

Registered Buildings are those buildings and structures identified on the Island as having special architectural or historical interest. Unlike other countries in the British Isles, there is no grading of the quality of those buildings into different categories.

Registration protects those parts of a building's character from unsympathetic change or worst case, demolition.

Carrying out work to a Registered Building

It is a criminal offence to carry out work to a Registered Building without Registered Building Consent. Unauthorised works may result in prosecution and you may also be required to reinstate the building to its former condition.

It is also the responsibility of the owner of a Registered Building to ensure that it is maintained in a state of good repair.

In practice, this means that Registered Building Consent is required for any alteration in a way which would affect its special architectural or historic character, whether inside or outside the building.

  • External works are proposed to a registered building, applications for both Planning Approval and Registered Building Consent must be made
  • Works proposed are for internal works only, Registered Building Consent is required

It may well be however, that a building or site can sustain a degree of sensitive change and we should open our minds to this, especially if this will lead to an extended lease of life and particularly where there will also be wider benefits in terms of urban regeneration or the economic viability of rural areas through suitable and appropriate alteration or re-use. Indeed, many old buildings already bear the clear imprint of changes made by later generations and they are often more attractive on that account. What is essential is that any changes we do make are of a quality which future generations will respect and admire.

Protected Buildings Register

A Registered Building can be any kind of structure, such as a gateway, boundary walls, or pillbox, for example, and not necessarily a building as we may understand the term.

When assessing a building thought to be of significant architectural and/or historic interest, the building must possess one or more of the following criteria to be considered worthy of addition to the Protected Buildings Register, or Registered:

  1. Architectural Interest and/or Aesthetic Quality
  2. Historic interest
  3. Close Historical Association
  4. Landmark Qualities
  5. Group Value
  6. Age and Rarity

Whilst there are over two hundred and fifty buildings currently entered on the Departments register, building registration is a continuous process.

Over the years further buildings have been identified by as potentially being worthy of further research and possible inclusion on the register. Research and investigation is being progressed as appropriate.

Applying for Registered Building Consent

Applications for Registered Building Consent are dealt with by the Planning Team, alongside applications for Planning Approval and other planning-related applications.

View more information on the process for applying for Registering Building Consent.