Glen Suite - Older Persons' Ward

Glen SuiteVisiting Times

Visiting on the Glen Suite can be accommodated most times of the day but needs to be discussed with the nursing staff.

Who uses this service?

Generally the Glen Suite accommodates acute admission for older adults with organic, degenerative illnesses such as dementia as well as functional illnesses such as severe depression and psychosis, in circumstances where care and risk cannot be managed in the community. Admission is intended to be short term for the purposes of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment and eventual resettlement into the community, whether that is a return to the person's own home or residential / nursing care.

How we can help?

We offer a range of care, support and treatment from our dedicated team of multi-disciplined mental health professionals including nursing staff, medical staff, Occupational Therapists and Psychologists. We provide a high standard of assessment and compassionate care in a safe and therapeutic setting, and offer a range of therapeutic and person centred care to support recovery and a return to the community.