
Following Tynwald's approval of the Treasury Minister's motion on 16 January 2018, the Council of Ministers commissioned Sir Jonathan Michael to chair an independent review of health and social care on the Island.

In April 2019 the review's final report (GD 2019/0021) was completed and submitted to the Council of Ministers. The review's final report included a package of 26 recommendations to be implemented in order to achieve a financially and clinically sustainable, high quality health and care system for the Isle of Man.

The Council of Ministers was in agreement with the findings of the final report and sought Tynwald approval for the package of recommendations to be accepted and implemented (GD 2019/022). 

On 21 May 2019, Tynwald voted unanimously to accept the package of recommendations and required the Council of Ministers to implement it. 

These three Departments were responsible to the Council of Minsters for delivering on the Transformation Programme to deliver the package of recommendations.

On 1 April 2024, the Health and Care Transformation Programme moved from the Cabinet Office to the Department of Health and Social Care following approval by Tynwald in November 2023. The transfer aims for better alignment with ongoing improvement work already underway in the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), and allows for improved collaboration and working relationships with Manx Care.

The Transformation Programme is being carried out by the same dedicated team now under the DHSC and aligned with the DHSC's governance structure, the Transformation Programme continues to work closely with Manx Care, Public Health and the Treasury.

The Transformation Programme is being carried out by a dedicated team under the Chief Executive (Isle of Man Government) within the Cabinet Office, working closely with the Department of Health and Social Care, Manx Care, Public Health and the Treasury.

The Transformation Programme has laid three Annual Reports before Tynwald that can be found on our website’s landing page, along with our latest Programme Plan to keep you up to date with current progress.