Regulation of Care, regulations and standards

The Regulation of Care Act 2013 (ROCA), the associated regulations and minimum standards outline the functions of care placed upon the social care services provided directly or commissioned by Manx Care.

The Registration and Inspection (R&I) Team are responsible for ensuring that Social Care and non-NHS health care services on the Isle of Man follow ROCA for the purposes of:

  • protecting people
  • regulating how a service is provided
  • standardising how a service is regulated
  • promoting openness and transparency

ROCA and the associated regulations support improvement in the quality and safety of services delivered and are key to achieving this. All registered services under ROCA are required to follow the standards that govern a type of service.

Throughout the inspection process the standards are considered when making regulatory decisions. If there are breaches of ROCA and the regulations and standards, enforcement action may be necessary.