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You searched for 'New'

Showing 11-19 of 19 results.

Agricultural Strategy Consultation

Business and Industries > Agriculture > Industry Meetings

Minister Boot launched a consultation on a new Agricultural Strategy

Hunting and shooting of wild birds

Business and Industries > Agriculture > Types of notifiable diseases > Avian Influenza (bird flu)

There have been no new restrictions introduced because of the avian influenza outbreak with regards to shooting of birds, or consuming wild birds.

Parental Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing > Children and Families Health visiting

In this section, you will find tips to help and support the promotion of mental health and emotional wellbeing as new parents.

Passive house - Castletown

Home and Neighbourhood > Energy Efficiency Scheme > Case studies

Energy saving case study: There has been a test of how super well insulated homes perform for new public sector homes. Two examples of these 'Passive Homes' were built in the new 3-bed semi-detached

Enabling Return to Work

Benefits and Financial Support > Employment / Work Related

Our new pilot service is aimed at helping people get back to work after an illness. If you’ve been on a sickness-related benefit, our service might be able to help you. You might be: Managing

LED Lighting Initiative

Home and Neighbourhood > Energy Efficiency Scheme

In receipt of Town/Village 'Coal Fund' resources at Christmas The household has an inadequate number of light bulbs, reason cited being unable to afford new light bulbs In receipt of financial


Business and Industries > Intellectual Property

The Department of Economic Development is currently modernising the Island’s IP law, and to this end is in the process of bringing forward a number of items of new legislation. Consultation 2011

Agriculture and Fisheries Grant Scheme

Business and Industries > Agriculture

The new Agriculture and Fisheries Grant Scheme 2016 is designed to aid development within the Isle of Man's farming, fisheries and food production. The purpose of the Scheme is to support commercial


Business and Industries > Intellectual Property

Patents cover new technological inventions. They allow inventors to protect their idea for up to 20 years by taking action against anyone exploiting it, and to exploit it themselves by assigning