
Login ID | Password | Security | Forgotten Details

Login ID

Please enter the Login ID that you created during the registration process.


Please enter the password that you created during the registration process.


This section is designed to keep your details private if you are using online services from a public place. e.g. An Internet Cafe. This is broken into 2 sections which are explained below.

This is a public or shared computer

Select this option if you are using Online Services from a public place or from a shared computer. Selecting this option disables cache which will prevent the browser from saving the pages you visit. It is the default behaviour of all browsers to save each page you visit in cache so that the next time you visit this page it will get it from cache instead of getting the page from the server again. This option is slower but more secure and is highly recommended if you are using Online Services from a public place or from a shared computer. It should also be noted that to ensure security of your personal information a Tax document downloaded in 'public' mode will result in a blank page being displayed.

This is a private computer

Select this option if you are using a private computer. e.g. Your personal computer. Selecting this option will NOT disable the cache therefore allowing the browser to use its default behaviour of saving each file you visit to cache. This is faster than the first option and is highly recommended if this is a private computer.

Forgotten Details

If you forget your Login ID, Password or Security Answer please visit the forgotten your password or login details page.

If you have any other problems logging in you should contact onlinehelp@gov.im or telephone (01624) 686111 between 9am and 5pm Monday – Friday.