Covid-19 Coronavirus

Access to the Roundhouse

Friday, 24 May 2024

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and Braddan Parish Commissioners (BPC) request users of the Roundhouse facility to use the pedestrian access only.

This is to help alleviate traffic on the hospital estate roads, and to safeguard both normal and emergency services, particularly with the upcoming TT festival period.

Work to facilitate vehicular access is ongoing. It is hoped that the transfer of land will be completed quickly, with construction work starting on site as a matter of urgency.

In the interim users of the facility are requested to use public transport, or park and walk using the pedestrian entrances to the building - which are all now open. Use of hospital car parks should be for hospital business only.

BPC, in recognition of the increased traffic in and around the hospital over the TT fortnight, have given a commitment that the activities in The Roundhouse will be heavily reduced over the festival period.

Details of the reduced activities can be found on the Roundhouse webpage.

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