Safeguarding board launch new website

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Safeguarding board logo

The Isle of Man Safeguarding Board has created a new website, filled with information and advice for professionals, service users and the general public to help protect children and vulnerable adults from harm.

It also contains information about the role of the Safeguarding Board, its membership and what safeguarding means.

The site hosts a wide selection of guidance, tools and access to training to help everyone to better recognise harm and work together to prevent abuse and neglect.

It also provides in helpful advice about services that can provide and support, and importantly it provides clear information about how to report any safeguarding concerns.

There will be regular updates to the website as the Safeguarding Board is currently reviewing and updating its multi-agency guidance policies. As these policies are agreed they will be added to the site.

Learning summaries and reports from local serious case management reviews are also shared on the website, alongside reviews from further afield. These reviews identify learning and make recommendations to support any necessary improvements in safeguarding practice. It is one of the Board’s key functions to seek assurance about the actions being taken to improve inter-agency working.

Training sessions can also be booked through the site. The current courses are aimed at professionals working with children, third sector organisations, nurseries and childminders, local authorities, faith organisations and any other organisation that has a need for safeguarding training. The training is free of charge.

Lesley Walker, Independent Chair of the Safeguarding Board, said:

The safeguarding of the children, young people and adults on our Island is everyone’s responsibility, so we’ve designed the website to provide information that is accessible to people across our society – from young people, service users, parents and carers and a wide range of professionals.’

‘The site also contains a newly developed Information Sharing protocol, Guidance and a myth busting leaflet. We know that effectively sharing information is the most important thing we can do to prevent serious harm and even death of children and vulnerable adults.’

There are plans to continually develop the website – please send any feedback or suggestions, or any queries, to the Safeguarding Board at

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