Covid-19 Coronavirus

Lockdown remote learning review published

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

A review of the remote learning school pupils received during lockdown has been published.

It was commissioned by Dr Alex Allinson MHK, Minister for Department of Education, Sport and Culture (DESC) and carried out by the Education Service between July and September.

The report makes 10 recommendations and establishes a consistent set of standards for remote learning should schools again close due to the ongoing health emergency.

All schools shut on 23 March, with the exception of 14 educational hubs that were kept open for the most vulnerable and children of key workers.

The majority of schools remained closed for three months as part of the general lockdown – meaning no face-to-face lessons could be carried out.

During their review, the Education Service listened to feedback from pupils, parents and school staff and examined all relevant learning data before publishing their findings.

Dr Allinson, Minister for DESC, said:

‘I fully endorse the recommendations that can help all of us involved in education to build resilience and confidence in our service and ensure our young people can achieve their potential.

‘We had to adapt quickly to an unprecedented situation in March, and we must learn from this so that we are better prepared should a further lockdown materialise.

‘I would like to thank all those teachers who have contributed to this important review. The quality and consistency of lessons and feedback and the support and technology needed must all now be considered so that all our pupils receive the best education possible.’

The review also identifies best practice and compares the Island’s response to the health emergency with other countries.

It found that schools adapted quickly to their sudden closure and used a range of platforms to deliver remote learning including a variety of online resources.

Dr Allinson added:

‘The review has sought to establish clear expectations so that pupils, parents and teachers will know what to expect, should the Island have to face further restrictions.’

The recommendations cover areas including:

  • The consistency, quality and volume of lessons
  • Consistency of feedback from teachers to pupils
  • Access to devices and internet at home
  • Extra support for examination year groups
  • Appropriate training for school staff and guidance for parents
  • Developing a team of remote learning experts

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