Checklist for residents and businesses as Brexit transition period nears end

Thursday, 5 November 2020

With fewer than 60 days until the transition period comes to an end, residents and businesses are urged to prepare for new rules that come into force from 1 January 2021. 

Although the UK left the European Union on 31 January 2020, EU law has continued to apply to the United Kingdom, and to an extent to the Isle of Man, during what has been known as the transition period. That period will end on 31 December 2021. 

For most people no immediate action is needed - but those who intend to visit the EU, trade with the EU and those people who come from the EU may need to do things differently, and the time to act is now.

The Government’s website and updated interactive guide ‘Are you ready for 2021?’ together offer the latest information and advice on a broad range of topics, including travel to the EU, trading goods and important steps for EU nationals living in the Isle of Man. 

Chief Minister Howard Quayle said:

‘People will be aware that negotiations between the UK and EU to agree a new relationship have intensified in recent weeks, with some areas of disagreement proving very difficult to resolve. We are keeping abreast of developments, to ensure that our interests are represented and protected, as we have done throughout this process. 

‘Government has prepared for the post-EU era for several years, identifying areas where new rules may impact the public and businesses, changing laws where necessary and putting in place contingency plans. We have had regular dialogue with local firms over a long period to help them prepare. But I would urge everyone to check their preparations again as the details of the UK’s future arrangements are confirmed. The situation may change at short notice and we all need to be ready for this. Irrespective of the outcome of the talks, I would urge people to consider what these changes might mean for them. 

The Chief Minister explained:

‘Most people won’t be affected by the changes but I would encourage everyone to have a look at our website and online guide and keep an eye on social media feeds, if only to make sure they need to take no action.’ 

‘Are you ready for 2021?’ explains the Island’s limited relationship with the EU and how the end of the Transition Period will affect the Island, its people and economy. It highlights key sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, the manufacture of industrial and food products, as well as retail and construction. 

New customs procedures for trading with EU countries are set out and there is a guide to the EU Settlement Scheme, which protects the rights of citizens from the EU, the European Economic Area and Switzerland to continue living in the Isle of Man. 

The publication also provides information on healthcare, utilities, food and intellectual property rights in the light of changes in rules from January. There is a reminder for residents to check the validity of their passport - which among other requirements must be valid for at least six months on the date of travel - and the new rules to follow when travelling to the EU, including when travelling with pets. 

Help is at hand for businesses that need to address outstanding matters before the end of the transition period. The Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Government is hosting themed workshop sessions and a panel Q&A featuring speakers from the Cabinet Office, Customs and Excise and the Department for Enterprise. The events will be held at the Eagle Lab at Victoria Street, Douglas on 12 November. 

Details of a number of DfE assistance schemes to support the resilience of Island businesses are highlighted in the online guide. The guide also contains other resources for businesses, including a readiness checklist and links to useful of sites and documents.

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