Households face prosecution for failing to return census forms

Monday, 17 October 2016

The small number of Island householders who have still not returned their census forms are now facing prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000.

Census night was on April 24 this year with a deadline of May 6 for the completion and submission of forms.

Since then the Census Office has been following up with outstanding households, including calling at properties and sending a number of reminder letters.

Completion of a census form is a legal requirement and failure to comply can result in a fine of up to £1,000 upon summary conviction.

A spokesperson for the Census Office said: ‘Householders who have still not returned their census form now have one last chance to do so. If they still have their online code they can complete the form themselves by visiting, or they can call 685700 and the Census Office will take their return over the phone.’ 

The Census Office also believes a number of householders may not have recorded children on the census form. This is based on a comparison of the census figures with the publically available figures on school enrolments. Anyone who did not include their children on their census form is asked to contact the Census Office on 685700 to correct their details.

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