Department decides against introduction of red squirrels

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Red squirrels will not be introduced to the Manx countryside in the immediate future.

At present, red squirrels can’t be brought to the Island except under licence and any licensed keeper can’t allow them to roam free.

The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFA) consulted the public over a law change that would have allowed consideration of red squirrels’ introduction to the wild.

The consultation attracted 107 responses, many individuals favouring the idea.

However, after studying all the views submitted, and given the strong opinions of the scientific organisations and groups who responded, DEFA concluded that it would be detrimental to the countryside to introduce them.

UK experts stated that the red squirrel isn’t in danger of extinction in the UK and see no scientific basis for creating a refuge for it. They therefore didn’t support its introduction to the Island.

Richard Ronan MHK, Minister for Environment, Food and Agriculture, said: ‘The introduction of red squirrels was popular with many, including me, but many also pointed out pitfalls.

‘As there was no justification on conservation grounds, we have decided not to proceed at present.

‘I am pleased that we have gone through this consultation as my Department is now well informed about the pros and cons of red squirrels’ introduction to the Manx countryside and much better placed to make a decision in future should their conservation become an issue.’

A summary of the consultation responses can be found

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