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Government income and expenditure

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Government's revenue budget has been balanced and a small surplus of £0.3m is forecast for 2016-17.

Total income for the year is estimated at £955.6m, an increase of £14.2m (1.5%) over the equivalent figure in the current year's estimate.

Government's gross spending is estimated at £955.3m, an increase of £12.5m on the current year's projection and an average spend across all services of around £2.6m a day.

The operating balance, needed for contingency and cashflow purposes, is £33.9m or 3.5% of gross spending.

A Central Contingency Budget of £5m is retained to allow some flexibility for the financing of unbudgeted inflationary costs and any other unforeseeable items. In addition, a separate Contingency Fund has been created with a further balance of £5m to meet unexpected, unavoidable or unplanned expenses.

A Capital Programme of £92.6m is forecast for the year, which will be funded without recourse to external borrowing.

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