Highlighting the importance of international engagement

Friday, 15 May 2015

The Island's constitutional position and approach to developing international relationships are explained in a new document published by the Cabinet Office today (Friday May 15, 2015).

The 'International Relations Framework' sets out the context for the Government's ongoing programme of international engagement and its work to promote and protect the Island's interests.

The document includes information on the Isle of Man's status as a British Crown Dependency, its constitutional evolution, economic development, relations with the UK and EU, and international relations objectives.

In a foreword to the publication Chief Minister Allan Bell MHK writes:

'This Framework explains how the Isle of Man's international relations, and the constitutional relationship with the UK which underpins them, have evolved over time to where we are today, and also describes how we aim to develop these relationships in the future.

'It is intended for an external audience, but also, I hope, will support Isle of Man politicians and officials in answering what can sometimes be very complex questions, in a clear way.

'The Isle of Man's continued success will depend on it maintaining its autonomy, political stability and pragmatism, whilst remaining dynamic and responsive. To achieve this will require a continued focus on our promotion and engagement with international partners.'

The Isle of Man Government International Relations Framework Document is available online at http://www.gov.im/about-the-government/offices/cabinet-office/external-relations/

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