Emotional first aid training for education staff

Monday, 29 June 2015

Education staff have received training in emotional first aid for young people. 

Eleven employees attended an award-winning course delivered by the Solent NHS Trust last week. 

They included staff from all five Department of Education and Children (DEC) secondary schools, the Youth Service, Services for Children and the Education Support Centre. 

They will go on to train colleagues in their settings to provide emotional support for young people, a target area in the Strategy for Children and Young People. 

Ken Callister, Principal Youth Officer with the DEC, said:

‘We take physical first aid seriously and have first aiders and a first aid kit. Emotional issues requiring support or help can’t be seen as easily but can cause just as many problems for the young person growing up. 

‘The training is about having someone else in schools and other settings who recognises the issues young people face, especially among young people who maybe anxious but not be quick to show their feelings, and opening up a route for those young people to talk to someone. 

‘If we can fix it between us, we will, and if the issues are not just part of life’s normal ups and downs, we can get the young person access to more specialist help more quickly.’ 

The training was delivered by Stuart Gemmill, the Strategic Lead for Primary Mental Health Services for Southampton Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, and Paul Jetten, EFA coordinator with Solent Healthcare. 

Some of the staff are pictured receiving their certificates at the Department of Education and Children at Hamilton House at the end of the week-long course.

Emotional First Aid 2015

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