Ramsey Grammar School and Bunscoill Rhumsaa in Breakfast Club Pilot Partnership

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Ramsey Grammar School is piloting a Breakfast Club Scheme in partnership with Bunscoill Rhumsaa in an initiative supported by the Department of Education and Children and the Department of Economic Development. 

The club was started to help parents to attend work, further education or training while ensuring that their children have appropriate care and regular access to a nutritious breakfast. It also encourages school attendance and reduces late attendance amongst the students attending and helps them with concentration and learning in class. 

The RGS/Bunscoill Rhumsaa Breakfast Club has been running since mid-October, and has been offered initially to students in Years 1 and 2 at Bunscoill Rhumsaa. 

Headteacher Annette Baker said:

'We have started on a small scale, with approximately 8 students attending the club on a regular basis. The students have a healthy breakfast before being escorted to Bunscoill Rhumsaa, where they are 'handed over' to teaching staff at the start of the school day. We have established our systems and are now able to increase capacity to offer this service to a wider number of students.'

Bunscoill Rhumsaa Headteacher, David Jenkins, said:

'Our students are really happy at the Breakfast Club, and are keen to tell us about their experiences at the “Big School” across the road! There is no doubt that the club will help to smooth the transition between primary and secondary school for the students involved.' 

Mr Cregeen MHK, Political member for the Employment and Skills Group said:

'I am very supportive of any pilot scheme which helps parents to work and so maximises workforce participation by helping to make work pay. This scheme enables working parents to drop their children off and travel to work; this is especially beneficial for parents who travel to Douglas from out of town. We will be evaluating the pilot on an on-going basis to see if there are elements of best practice which can be shared with others.' 

It is intended to extend the facility to include students in other year groups at Bunscoill Rhumsaa from the start of the New Year. Parents of students who might wish to become members of the Breakfast Club are asked to contact Mrs Angela Haslett, the RGS Headteacher’s PA, at a.haslett@rgs.sch.im

RGS Breakfast club

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