All aboard the 4G computer bus

Monday, 27 April 2015

The Island's Computer Bus, sponsored by Manx Telecom and delivered by the Department of Education and Children (DEC), will remain a familiar sight in school car parks following a significant upgrade and refurbishment.

Since its launch in 1998, the Manx Telecomputer Bus has provided sessions at all the Island's primary schools, delivering many aspects of the growing information and communications technology (ICT) curriculum, enabling children to develop their computer skills.

The latest refurbishment includes new exterior decoration showing Manx Telecom's 4G branding. The interior has been fitted with 4G connectivity and over 20 new iMac computers loaded with a wide range of education and professional software.

ICT Teacher Alex Townsend has been steering the computer bus project since its inception.

He said:

'The main aim of the bus is to boost the capacity of our schools in teaching ICT. This includes delivering the current learning priorities of coding and programming, along with other forms of digital media, applied ICT and computer science, as well as promoting online safety to the pupils. The teaching staff benefit as they see the potential of the technology and how it can enhance learning aims. The speed of the new 4G mobile broadband service is exceptional.'

Graham Kinrade, DEC's ICT Adviser said:

'As part of the Government's Vision 2020 ambition to position the Island as a worldwide centre of ICT excellence, the bus inspires pupils to learn skills that will enable them to choose to become future innovators in economic sectors.'

Voirrey Barron, Manx Telecom's Marketing Communications Manager commented:

'We're very proud to see the Manx Telecomputer Bus in its brand new livery, and to provide access to our 4G mobile broadband service for teachers and pupils. 4G is making a real difference to how mobile broadband is used in the home and in business, so it's important for children who attend classes on the bus to be able to use the fastestĀ on-Island network with the best coverage. We're confident that the Telecomputer Bus will continue its impressive record of helping children to develop the IT skills they will need to achieve their academic and career ambitions.'

Last year the project, along with Mr Townsend, received worldwide publicity after being chosen by Apple as one of thirty 'pioneers' making a 'profound impact' in with computers, as part of the 30th anniversary of the launch of the first Mac computer.

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