Pupils mark cultural celebration with photographic project

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Wet PlaytimePupils at Marown Primary School are compiling a unique photo record of the entire year as part of Island of Culture 2014

The pupils are taking an ‘Image a Day’ of life at school and uploading them onto the school’s wiki. 

Ian Longshaw, Headteacher, explained that each of his 207 pupils would submit at least one image, with the children capturing something unusual or eye-catching each day. 

Year 6 pupils, the oldest children in the school, have got the project off to a start in January and February and are using iPads, iPods and digital cameras to capture their images. 

‘These photos then become a stimulus for critical thinking for the whole school for that week,’

Mr Longshaw said.

‘Discussions take place during our weekly achievement assembly.' 

He said the challenge for pupils was to try to snap something different and unique each day – especially on miserable, wet days when they can’t play outside. 

‘We’ve created an Image a Day display for the children to add their thoughts to using Post-It notes or sticky labels. We are finding this initiative to be immensely powerful for thinking and discussion,’

Mr Longshaw said. 

Island of Culture 2014 is a year-long celebration of the Island’s talent and creativity, led by the Isle of Man Arts Council

The school in Glen Vine has other Island of Culture 2014 initiatives planned, among them Manx dancing and visitors.

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