Off to a flying start

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Department of Infrastructure, along with the Northern Neighbourhood Policing team recently organised the Ramsey Cycle Challenge, which took place on the Mooragh Promenade.

Challenges were set up for participants, enabling them to demonstrate their balance and cycle control whilst improving their knowledge of road signs.

All riders were required to wear correctly fitting helmets, and had their bikes checked for working brakes, suitable tyres etc. Steve ‘Dr Bike’ Parker from Outdoors Ramsey was on hand to offer help and advice regarding any repairs and adjustments. A number of scooter riders also took part in the challenge.

The event proved to be extremely popular with children and parents alike, and was an excellent chance to demonstrate the importance of road safety to all who attended.

Gordon Edwards Road Safety Manager said:

'It was very rewarding to see the cyclists’ skill level and knowledge improve as the event progressed'.

We would like to convey our thanks to all who took part, and those who made the event possible.

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