Our Island Plan

Building a secure, vibrant and sustainable future is the vision set out by the Government in Our Island Plan.

  • Secure
    We have an Island where everyone feels safe, our economy is secure, our health and education systems support everyone, and we have housing, food, energy, and transport security.

  • Vibrant
    Our Island is vibrant, diverse and welcoming, providing excellent educational, recreational and economic opportunities for all, and our businesses are able to grow with confidence, accessing the skills and people required now and into the future.

  • Sustainable
    We look after and nurture our Island and resources, driving forward our local agenda towards a fair, inclusive and sustainable society and environment.

This document sets out our policies and the strategic programmes and core actions for the lifetime of the Island Plan including our Economic Strategy until 2026; and sets the course for the longer term delivery of our vision over the next decade and beyond.

The Economic Strategy is integral to the delivery of the Island Plan and has been fully incorporated in order to align delivery against a single set of interrelated objectives. The overall Island Plan vision is supported by the ambitions and objectives of the Economic Strategy, aligned to the five core Island Plan themes.

The latest plan can be accessed via the Island Plan website.