Personal Tax

Personal Tax banner - Peel Castle

The tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April. Tax returns are required to be submitted by 6 October each year, unless you leave the Island or are otherwise advised.

All income is assessed on a current year basis. For example, the 2020/2021 year of assessment is based on the income of the year ending 5 April 2021.

Personal Tax - Forms button Personal Tax - Moving to the Island button Personal Tax - Rates and Allowances button

The following buttons provide a selection of frequently asked questions on some key personal tax topics:

Personal Tax - FAQs button Personal Tax - ITIP and Coding button Personal Tax - Marriage or civil partnership button Personal Tax - Separating button Personal Tex - Retiring button Personal Tax - Student button

The following personal tax information may also be of interest:

Information about National Insurance Contributions on the Island can be found on our National Insurance page.

If you are not resident in the Isle of Man but have income from the Island, the information on our Non-Resident page might be of interest.

How to complete your tax return online

The below video provides step-by-step instructions to assist you in completing your personal tax return online.