Planning & Building Control decisions and performance

The Department of the Environment Food and Agriculture publishes all of its decisions, under the various functions of the Department relating to the Planning and Building Control Directorate, annually as OPEN DATA. All are available via the Cabinet Office.

They comprise:

  • Planning Applications determined, and those under delegated authority
  • Planning Appeal and Departmental Application decisions
  • DEFA Building Control (outside of Douglas and Onchan) applications for dwellings by Parish, Completions issued and plans passed

(Note DEFA is the Building Control Authority for the island outside of the Douglas and Onchan local authority areas. For details of building control decisions relative to Douglas and Onchan please contact the relevant authority).

View Building Control data

View Planning applications and appeals data

Should you wish to view the details of a particular planning application or appeal please take the appropriate reference number from the downloadable list and use it in our Planning Online service area.

To appreciate the terminology used in the issue of planning or appeal decisions, the codes used can be explained as follows:


Determining Body
NCOMM Decision made by the Planning Committee
DIR1 Decision made by the Director of Planning and Building Control
SPO,1, 2, 3, 4 or % Decision made by the Head of Development Management or a Principal Planner
WDN Application withdrawn or deemed withdrawn
DEPT Application which the Department has an interest in and Decision made by the Council of Ministers
COMIN Application called in and decision made by the Council of Ministers
Planning Decision
PER Approved
REF Refused
WDN Withdrawn
CLAWA Use, Operation or Matter Lawful
CLAWR Use, Operation or Matter Not Lawful
DECLIN The Department declined to consider the application
DMWDN Deemed Withdrawn
INV Invalid Application
LEG Application Approved subject to the Applicant entering into a legal agreement
PERDMC Deemed consent for a Telecommunications Application
Appeal Decision
APER or APER1 Appeal Approval
AREF or ARE Appeal Refusal
ASPLIT Appeal decision was split
AWDN or WD Appeal withdrawn
ADEPT Department Approval
ARDE Department Refusal
AWDE Department application withdrawn
ACOMIN Council of Ministers Approval
RCOMIN Council of Ministers Refusal
DIMIS Appeal dismissed
ALLOW Appeal allowed