Minor change applications

Amendments to planning approvals (after determination) - Minor Change Applications

A Minor Change Application relates to changes to a planning approval for a building that has not been completed and are not significant in nature. It is a fast-track application that does not require consultation and cannot be appealed, but has strict parameters - for example it cannot increase the footprint of the building, alter any conditions or materially alter vehicular access arrangements. If approved it is in effect added to the original approval and the two are implemented together (any conditions/legal agreements attached to the original approval must still be complied with). The downloads box contains flowcharts to explain the process. Applications can be made via our making a planning application page.

As per Schedule 1 of The Town and Country Planning (Development Procedure) Order 2019 a minor changes application must:

  • specify the planning approval that is the subject of the application and the changes to that approval which are being applied for (also see guidance on how to describe your proposal)

  • include an explanation as to why those changes are being applied for and why the applicant considers them to be of a minor nature

  • if relevant, include the site plan, and the plans, elevations and sections of the proposed buildings and structures referred to in paragraph 2(3) amended to indicate those changes and

  • in cases where the site is identified as being at risk of flooding on the most recent flood maps, a flood risk assessment should be provided - this should be proportionate to the change and can draw on any flood risk assessment provided for the original approval - essentially to demonstrate that the proposed change will not increase flood risk or undermine any proposed mitigation

Common issues

  • Only one Minor Change Application may be made per planning approval (even if that approval relates to multiple buildings). Even if the first Minor Change Application is refused or withdrawn no further applications can be submitted

  • Because a Minor Change application does not vary conditions, the 4 year time period for commencement still runs from the date that the original approval was issued

  • An application for a variation of condition, if approved, results in a new approval. Because the Minor Change application is essentially an add on to the parent approval, it cannot be combined with a variation of condition application - the condition would need to be varied first and then a Minor Change application submitted in relation to the resulting fresh approval