Horse riding in plantations

Horse riding in plantations

The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture allows horse riding in many of its plantations. The plantations can offer idyllic rides in a relatively safe environment. Care must be taken however in the vicinity of organised motor events or timber harvesting operations. Horses should only walk or trot as a courtesy to other visitors to the plantations and for safety reasons.  Horse riders are requested to avoid riding on dedicated footpaths and trails signed only for walkers or cyclists to protect surfacing.

The Horse Riding Code

  1. Keep to the tracks and try to avoid ground which is soft or muddy.
  2. Take an alternative route to avoid soft slopes. Riding up and down cause's erosion.
  3. Please follow the Countryside Code at all times and secure gates behind you.
  4. Please avoid widening existing tracks, or creating new ones.
  5. Please keep well away from any work taking place in the forest.
  6. Remember other vehicles use the forest roads as well as you.
  7. Please vary your route in the forest to spread the wear and tear.
  8. Please slow down and call out a warning when approaching other forest users. Be courteous and friendly.
  9. Remember other people use the forests as well as you.
  10. Danger! Do not pass a vehicle loading timber until you have been advised to do so.
  11. Please ride with care and come back again.

Plantations can you ride in

A number of the Department’s plantations allow open access for horse riding at no charge. These include:

  • Archallagan
  • Ballaugh
  • Chibbanagh
  • Corlea
  • South Barrule
  • Stoney Mountain

For further information please telephone the Forestry Amenity and Lands Directorate Division on +44 1624 695701

Hills, Forests and Glens

Thie Slieau Whallian

Foxdale Road

St John's

Isle of Man


Telephone:+44 1624 695701

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