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The Wildlife Act 1990

Trees provide important habitats for wildlife, such as nesting birds and roosting bats. You should be aware that both are protected under the Wildlife Act (1990) and it is an offence to damage or disturb bats or their roosts, or to damage active bird nests.

When considering the felling or limbing of a tree, you are reminded that checks should be made to see if the tree contains active bird nests (especially from March to July) or holes/cracks used by bats to roost or hibernate in. Reckless activities which result in the disturbance of nesting birds or bats may result in prosecution.

We don’t necessarily advise felling; safety permitting, trees with deadwood should be left, as they provide valuable deadwood habitat for wildlife.

Further information about the Wildlife Act can be found on the Wildlife, Biodiversity and Protected Sites webpage.

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