Get an energy check up

An energy check is an analysis of your home to determine its energy usage and costs, and to identify specific energy efficiency measures that would be the best options for your home.

A good place to start would be by going to UK's Energy Saving Trust and checking out their energy saving quick wins.

Prioritize improvements, starting with low or no cost measures, like turning things off when not in use, and avoiding standby. Then think about a budget and timetable for those actions that may require planned expenditure.

We are also lucky to have a Home Energy Advisor employed by Manx Utilities who is available to discuss simple steps you can take to help you reduce your energy consumption.

He can also help you with running costs on the various electrical appliances in your home and how to get the best out of them.

You can make an appointment to speak to the Home Energy Advisor in person at Manx Utilities Head Office Reception. Alternatively, have a chat on the phone, or arrange a home visit if more convenient.

Home visits are weekdays: 
9am to 5pm however individual needs will always be taken into account.

Phone: + 44 1624 687643
Email:  accounts@manxutilities

It is also useful to think what is using energy in your home to help focus on where is most useful to improve.

What you get for a unit of electricity gives some surprising answers, for example Fridge/Freezers are really efficient and use less than one unit of electricity per day, LED light bulbs use 10 times less energy than Halogen bulbs.