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Small energy saving tips

Follow these top tips to help reduce your energy usage in your home. Every little helps – over time, all of these little energy saving hacks will add up! 

Energy saving tipsDon’t Overfill the Kettle

Heating water is an expensive process and uses a fair bit of energy. Solution? Only fill the kettle up with the amount of water you intend on using. If you boil 1 pint more than you need, 4 times a day, it could cost you around £10 extra a year in energy costs. 

Hang back those curtains

Try not to let curtains hang in front of radiators or placing a sofa in front of them. They soak up most of the heat, meaning the rest of the room a less heat within it. 

Switch standby off

Try not to leave appliances on standby unnecessarily. Almost all electrical and electronic appliances can be turned off at the plug without upsetting their programming. You may want to think about getting a standby saver which allows you to turn all your appliances off standby in one go. 

Try to avoid using your tumble dryer

If it’s a nice day out there, consider hanging your clothes out to dry outside. It’s a free energy saving hack and it’ll leave your clothes smelling nice and fresh. 

Wash Up less often

How long do you have to wait before the kitchen tap runs hot? This is water that has been sitting in the pipes. Try to wash up once a day instead of every time you use a plate. If you avoid waiting for the tap to run hot three times a day, you could save £10/year. 

Fill em' Up!

Make sure to only run the dishwasher/washing machine unless it’s full. Avoid using these machines if you only have a few items in there. Dishwashers consume lots of energy yet can be so easily avoided! 

Lights out!

Turn your lights off when you're not using them. If you switch a light off for just a few seconds, you will save more energy than it takes for the light to start up again, regardless of the type of light. This will save you over £10 on your annual energy bills.

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