Ramsey therapy services

There is a small therapy team based at Ramsey and District Cottage Hospital.

The team includes occupational therapists and physiotherapists. We work closely with the ward staff.

Where possible, we will help you get back up on your feet again, provide you with exercises and provide you with a suitable walking aid. We will also help identify problems that may limit your daily activities and assist you in finding solutions to ensure you can return to your normal activities, be independent and have a safe discharge home.

If you are admitted to the ward and you have difficulties managing your everyday activities we can:

  • assess activities of daily living
  • provide your understanding of and cognitive testing
  • provide inpatient treatment programmes
  • assess for and provide aids to daily living
  • undertake home visits 
  • refer to other services

Contact Information

Ramsey Therapy Team

Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 4.30pm

Occupational Therapy: +44 1624 811862

Physiotherapy: +44 1624 811864


Ramsey District Cottage Hospital

Cumberland Road



How to access

Patients admitted to Ramsey and District Cottage Hospital requiring therapy will be referred by ward staff as required.