Neurology - Ward 7

The occupational therapist is an important part of the rehabilatation team and occupational therapy involves initially assessing how the stroke has affected the individual's ability to carry out activities and find out what they need or would like to achieve.

Therapy will involve relearning everyday activities to enable the individual affected by stroke to lead as full and independent life as possible and achieve their maximum potential. In the early stages this may involve being able to get washed and dressed, progressing to activities such as shopping, meal preperation, and eventually driving and return to work. Each patient will work towards goals specifically designed for their individual needs and circumstances.

The occupational therapist will be actively involved in the preperation for discharge from hospital which may involve a home visit, provision of equipment and advice about any adaptations that may be required. Family and carer involvement and training is also a very important role of the occupational therapist alongside other members of the stroke team.

Contact information

Occupational Therapy Clinical Stroke Specialist

Monday to Friday - 8am to 4.30pm

Telephone:+44 1624 650680


Based on Ward 7

Noble's Hospital

The Strang


Isle of Man


How to access

The occupational therapy service aims to see all patients on the stroke unit on the second day of admission. No referral is required for inpatients.