Covid-19 Coronavirus

How to express

You may find it easier to express milk by hand than to use a pump, especially in the first few days.  It also means you won't have to buy or borrow a pump.

Expressing milk

The following suggestions may help: 

  1. Before you start, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, and gently massage your breast. 
  2. Cup your breast just behind your areola (the darker part of your breast) 
  3. Squeeze gently, using your thumb and the rest of your fingers in a C shape (see image above). This shouldn't hurt (don't squeeze the nipple directly as you’ll make it sore and unable to express). 
  4. Release the pressure then repeat, building up a rhythm. Try not to slide your fingers over the skin. At first, only drops will appear, but keep going as this will help to build up your milk supply. With practice and a little time, milk may flow freely. 
  5. When no more drops come out, move your fingers round and try a different section of your breast, and repeat. 
  6. When the flow slows down, swap to the other breast.  Keep changing breasts until the milk drips very slowly or stops altogether. 
  7. If the milk doesn't flow, try moving your fingers slightly towards the nipple or further away, or give the breast a gentle massage. 
  8. Hold a sterilised feeding bottle or container below your breast to catch the milk as it flows.
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