Recruitment drive for dining companions at Noble's Hospital

Monday, 11 June 2012

With a diverse and demanding work load, the Department of Health is a driving force behind volunteering on the Island. Noble’s Hospital has an extensive range of volunteer services which provides that extra element of support for patients and visitors.

The Department is currently expanding the ‘Dining Companion’ service. These volunteers offer help and companionship during mealtimes, assisting the patient whilst they eat their meal and offering encouragement.

Minister for Health, David Anderson MHK said:

'Volunteers are essential to the delivery of our services. Being a volunteer can be demanding and it is paramount that we continue to recruit to the areas where their help is needed most – in this case, Dining Companions. I believe that these treasured individuals enhance patients’ recovery with their motivation and attention, contributing to improving nutrition and wellbeing.'

'To help us to continue to develop this service, we are looking for anyone who can offer some voluntary time to the Hospital during mealtimes. These volunteers will have the opportunity to learn new skills, meet new people, and make a difference. They will provide an extra dimension to our patient services supporting trained healthcare professionals.'

Alison Lester, Volunteer Service Manager, said:

'Dining Companion volunteers are trained to support our healthcare professionals by providing encouragement and companionship to patients during mealtimes, and we need more people to come forward and volunteer for this role. Our next training session will be on Saturday 30th June so if you are a good communicator and have the time to help, please contact Noble’s Hospital Volunteer Service.'

Sharon Lane, Volunteer Dining Companion stated:

'When I saw an advert in the local paper for Volunteer Dining Companions, I immediately thought “What a brilliant idea!”. I applied and after an interview with the Volunteer Manager, was accepted.

'The training was very thorough and involved meeting and learning from many of the hospital’s healthcare staff. When it came to going on the actual ward, I felt very confident, well prepared and this was boosted by the welcome we received from the staff.

'I find the whole experience very rewarding, the patients are lovely, really appreciating the extra help, and some of the longer stay patients say they look forward to our day on the ward! I would happily recommend becoming a volunteer Dining Companion to anyone.'

If you would like to receive more information about volunteers or becoming a dining companion volunteer please ring +44 1624 650720 or e-mail for further information.

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