Covid-19 Coronavirus

Ward 8 (Surgical)


Telephone: +44 1624 650028
Patient Mobile Phone:  +44 1624 651374

We are sorry but we are not permitted to give out specific information about patients over the phone or to non family members. Any information given, including that given to relatives is only with the permission of the patient. We take patient confidentiality very seriously. Please do not be offended if we cannot give you the information you are seeking.


We may ask you to wait in the day room if the patient you wish to visit is receiving care at that time or if it is a meal time. Please accept this as being in the best interest of the patients; we will endeavour to accommodate your visit if we can.

If you are visiting a friend or relative, please do not bring any food that needs chilling or reheating as we do not have the facilities for either and inappropriately stored food can cause safety issues. Please speak directly with the Ward Sister or the nurse looking after the patient to discuss any specific dietary problems or requests.

We would like to remind all patients and visitors that personal property is left on the ward at the owner's risk. Therefore, all valuables (jewellery, cash etc) should be sent home with a relative where possible please. We only have limited amount of space in the bedside locker for clothes, towels and toiletries.

If you are coming in to Ward Eight as a patient we would like you to bring with you any medications that you are currently taking. This enables us to continue your usual treatment as not all medication available in the community is stocked by the hospital pharmacy. It also helps us to plan for your discharge as you may need to be given a prescription to take to your local chemist as well as the medication that will be supplied by the hospital on your discharge.

About us

Ward 8 is a busy General Surgical and Mixed Speciality ward located in the east wing of the hospital on the first floor. We are an elective ward taking routine and emergency patients. There are 21 beds made up of four bays of four beds and five individual side rooms.

Patients are nursed in the appropriate bed depending on their level of dependency taking into account any isolation requirements either because of infection risk or for their own protection. Privacy and Dignity and confidentiality are promoted and maintained at all times.

The experienced team of Doctors, Nurses and Health Care Assistants on Ward One are here to ensure that the patients are cared for promptly, appropriately and with a smile. The nurse who will be responsible for each patients care will introduce themselves, involve them in their plan of care and support them in their treatment and recovery.

Patients on the ward also have access to key services such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and dieticians to aid their recovery as well as other specialised services.

The first point of contact on the ward is often our Ward Clerk who is responsible for the maintenance of computerised medical records, patient's notes and filing. She greets everyone who phones or comes to the ward and ensures that they are dealt with appropriately.

The housekeepers on the ward are responsible for the general day to day cleaning duties as well as in depth processes of specialised cleaning to ensure the environment is safe. They are also responsible for the ward kitchen ensuring that sufficient food provisions are available and that the meals are prepared and served on time.

The staff on Ward 8 take pride in delivering the optimum levels of care at all times but any suggestions from patients and relatives on how we can improve our standards are warmly welcomed.

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