
Some emerging strands of health policy are as follows:

  • Targets for health gain focusing on the main killers: cancer, coronary heart disease and stroke, accidents and mental illness.
  • Achieving continuous quality improvement in health care by the continued implementation of Clinical Governance.
  • Ensuring that health care professionals work more flexibly and in new partnerships to improve patient care.
  • Developing a new strategy to enhance the contribution which nurses, midwives and health visitors make to health care.
  • Achieving more efficiency and effectiveness in health care delivery by combining performance management, process review and the latest IT.

The preferred work styles are:

  • More devolved decision making, achieved through introducing Care groups.
  • More emphasis on doing fewer things really well at all levels to ensure we improve year on year.
  • More encouragement of a positive, proactive approach and partnership working.
  • More determination to tackle the difficult things as well as the things that come more easily.
  • More consistency by setting standards which are well communicated and well monitored.
  • More involvement of key people in the design and development of services, especially staff and patients.
  • More informed staff who are confident about the present and not fearful of the future.

The emerging vision indicates that we need to:

  • Maintain current initiatives in health strategy, the new management structure, Clinical Governance, IT, business planning, performance management and process review.
  • Secure our current services by addressing a number of deficits which are now becoming critical to our operation as our services undergo a step change to meet the increasing demands. This will require considerable additional resource now.
  • Plan to reduce uncertainty and risk and ensure that we are able to prepare and adapt to The New Hospital, which will also demand additional resources.
  • Invest resources in reviewing our work processes in advance of implementing a new IT strategy with a view to achieving greater efficiency in the way we deliver health care.