Loop Diathermy Treatment

This treatment, which is carried out in the Colposcopy clinic involves removing the abnormal cells detected on the cervix by using an electrically heated loop.

A local anaesthetic to numb the area is injected into the cervix prior to the treatment. Some patients experience slight discomfort similar to 'period pains'. In order to minimize this, we would advice that you take some pain relieving tablets such as Nurofen or Paracetamol about half an hour before your appointment. If you continue to feel discomfort following the treatment, further Nurofen or Paracetamol should prove helpful.

The treatment takes on average about 10 minutes (depends on a number of factors), after which you will be able to return home. 

After care

The local anesthetic, this will wear off after some time and you may experience some period type pain, this is normal. It will probably help to take some pain relieving tablets. You may also experience some slight bleeding for a few days or even weeks however, this should not be heavier than your normal period. If you have heavy vaginal bleeding or severe discomfort you should contact your GP for advice. You should not use internal tampons or have sexual intercourse for approximately 4 weeks following treatment. It is advisable not to do strenuous exercise for the first week, such as sport, swimming, aerobics etc. You may bath and shower as usual.

A follow up appointment will be sent to you in about 6 months time. Please inform the Colposcopy Secretary on +44 1624 650334 if you are unable to keep your appointment or a due a period at this time, this will allow another appointment to be made for you.

If you have any further questions, you can contact one of the staff on +44 1624 650024 or the Colposcopy Secretary on +44 1624 650334.


Treatment is generally very safe. Very few complications exist but some problems can occur. Some women may bleed heavily following treatment. In very rare circumstances this can be so severe that a woman requires admission to hospital.

The majority of women are cured following their first treatment. Some women need continued surveillance for minor abnormalities following treatment and others need repeated treatment. It is important you have the follow-up smear tests that you are recommended.

Follow-up appointments

You will have a smear 6 months after treatment. If this shows moderate or severe changes you will be referred back to the Colposcopy Clinic. If this is negative, borderline or mildly abnormal the sample will be tested for human papilloma virus (HPV). If this test is negative you will have a repeat smear in 3 years time. If it is positive for HPV you will be referred back to the Colposcopy Clinic.

For further information please see Cancer Screening NHS