Cold Coagulation Treatment

Is a treatment which is performed in the colposcopy clinic using a special type of heat to destroy the abnormal cells that have been detected on the cervix.

During the treatment you may be aware of a 'period type' ache, this usually only lasts while the treatment is being carried out, in order to minimise this we would advise that you take some simple analgesia such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol about half an hour before your appointment time.

The treatment takes on average 20 to 60 seconds (depends on a number of factors) but you will be in the clinic for about 5 to 10 minutes.

After care

If you continue to feel some discomfort following treatment you should take Ibuprofen or Paracetamol as directed in the manufacturers recommendations.

You should expect a watery discharge, which may be bloodstained possibly for a few weeks following treatment; this is whilst the healing is taking place.

You are advised to avoid the use of internal tampons or to have intercourse for up to 4 weeks following treatment.

Your next period should be normal for you; however it is occasionally reported to be slightly heavier. Heavy bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge or severe persistent discomfort is not usually associated with this treatment, however if this is experienced, should seek advice from your GP.

A follow up appointment for you to attend the Smear clinic will be made for approximately 6 months time. Please inform the hospital if you are unable to keep your appointment or are due a period at that time, to allow a further appointment to be made.

If you have any further questions that you would like answered you can contact one of the staff on Ward 4 Nobles Hospital on +44 1624 650024 or the Colposcopy Secretary on +44 1624 650334.


Treatment is generally very safe. Very few complications exist but some problems can occur. Some women may bleed heavily following treatment. In very rare circumstances this can be so severe that a woman requires admission to hospital.

The majority of women are cured following their first treatment. Some women need continued surveillance for minor abnormalities following treatment and others need repeated treatment. It is important you have the follow-up smear tests that you are recommended.

Follow-up appointments

You will have a smear 6 months after treatment. If this shows moderate or severe changes you will be referred back to the Colposcopy Clinic. If this is negative, borderline or mildly abnormal the sample will be tested for human papilloma virus (HPV). If this test is negative you will have a repeat smear in 3 years time. If it is positive for HPV you will be referred back to the Colposcopy Clinic.

For further information please see cancer screening NHS