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Healthy Child Programme

Health Visitors lead the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme. This is a national programme consisting of a series of developmental and health reviews, screening tests, vaccinations, and information to support parents.

Below you will find information regarding the core / universal programme provided within the Healthy Child Programme.

Timeline of Universal Contacts

Timeline of Universal Contacts


Once your midwife has told us that you are expecting your baby, you will be offered an appointment to meet your health visitor. This contact will provide you with information about our service and provide you with the opportunity to discuss your pregnancy, your feelings, your health, your baby’s health, development and wellbeing, and preparations for parenthood. This visit will enable us to get to know you and your family, and it is also a chance for you to ask any questions, and discuss any concerns or worries you may have.

New Birth Visit

The New Birth visit takes place between 14-28 days post-delivery normally after your midwife has handed your care over to your local health visiting team. The contact is performed by your named health visitor, and we will discuss your labour and birth, and your and your baby’s health and emotional wellbeing. We can support you with evidence based advice and information about caring for your new baby, infant feeding, safe sleep, crying, and any other health issues relating to your family. We work in partnership with parents and professionals to facilitate a smooth transition to parenthood.

 6-8 week contact

A health visitor will contact you to offer a 6-8 week review. The review will explore you and your baby’s health, development, emotional wellbeing, feeding, sleeping patterns, and any other concerns you may have. We will provide evidence-based information on safe sleep, home safety, and minor illnesses, and we will discuss your baby’s immunisations. Your baby’s growth will be assessed. Working in partnership with the family, the health visitor will agree future contact with the family which may be the universal programme, or universal plus, where extra support is given for issues such as perinatal mental health, feeding and for babies with additional or complex needs.

3-4 month review

When your baby is between 3-4 months of age, a member of our team will contact you to discuss your baby's health, development, feeding, sleep patterns and any other questions you might have. We will also discuss your family's health and wellbeing.

This review will also detail dental hygiene and weaning; the team member will communicate the Department of Health's recommendations for weaning, and when and how to introduce solid food whilst offering any help, guidance or advice required.

Babies are all individuals and grow and develop at their own pace.

7-9 month review

This visit may take place in the home or in a local clinic, and focuses on the assessment of your baby's development. It provides an opportunity to discuss how to respond to your baby's needs and to look at safety and health promotion messages linked to next stages of development. It also provides an opportunity to identify where additional support may be needed, including things such as the child's diet, dental health, sleep patterns and safety issues.

As part of the visit, a member of the health visiting team may weigh and measure your baby and discuss that all immunisations are up to date. 

The next scheduled visit is not until the child is 2½ years old, however parents can always contact their health visiting team or GP, if there are any questions or concerns about the child's development.

2½ year review

When your child is around 2½ years old, a member of our team will contact you. We will ask you to complete the Ages and Stages questionnaires about your child's development. This will enable you to think your childs development and progress. This review is integrated and we would gain consent before sending the results to your child's nursery, play group or child-minder. This is to ensure we work together to help your child grow and develop further. We will continue to monitor your childs growth.

School readiness review

Since 2023 the school readiness review is completed at 3.5 years which enables the early identification of need and timely intervention. This review will ensure that children are ready for the school environment, and one of our team will contact you in advance to discuss your child's progress and development in preparation for school.

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