QEII students prepare for the finals of the National Science and Engineering Competition!

Friday, 7 March 2014

Four students from Queen Elizabeth II High School will be travelling to the finals of the National Science and Engineering Competition at the NEC Birmingham from 12 to 14 March. Year 13 students - Millie Barrow, Annabell Jose, Grace Harrop and Emma Howard got through to the finals with their project ‘Grow your own Clothes’, after winning their regional competition to become North West Young Engineers 2013 at the Big Bang Fair, Liverpool.

As Queen Elizabeth II High school is not a UK School, the girls unfortunately cannot compete for the core prizes, including National titles, as they are sponsored by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. They can, however, compete for special prizes. Judges include Dr Maggie Pocock, presenter of BBC Sky at Night; Helen Sharman, the first female astronaut and Dallas Campbell from The Gadget Show.

The girls would like to thank the Manx Lottery Trust for funding their travel and accommodation to the finals.

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