Manx language in schools

Yn Ghaelg ayns ny scoillyn

As part of government policy, the Manx language was introduced into schools by the Department of Education and Children in September 1992 as an optional subject for pupils aged 8 and over. This scheme has proved to be very successful and is highly popular with the children.

By order of the Education Act of 2001 'the curriculum shall include the provision for the teaching of Manx Gaelic and the culture and history of the Isle of Man'.

The aims of the scheme are to:

  • provide Manx language teaching in schools for those pupils whose parents wish them to learn
  • foster a sense of identity and develop self-confidence
  • promote positive attitudes to Manx culture
  • promote positive attitudes to language learning

Its objectives are to:

  • enable pupils studying Manx to experience a range of learning situations which will be designed to be both enjoyable and successful
  • enable pupils to speak, understand and (to a lesser extent) write some Manx in a range of practical situations
  • enable pupils to follow a continuous and progressive programme which, ultimately, can lead to a General Certificate in Manx.

Teaching materials are provided by the Manx Language Unit. Teaching is also provided by the unit except in a few cases where Manx language specialists within the school have been trained to deliver lessons.

Manx Medium - Bunscoill Ghaelgagh

A Gaelic medium school has been in operation since September 2001 and it is now based at St John’s Old School. Parents who wish their children to be taught through the medium of Manx may ask to have them educated in the Manx Language Primary School. Bunscoill pupils who transfer to Queen Elizabeth II High School are able to study 2 subjects through the medium of Manx to maintain their fluency. They may also choose to take the Teisht Chadjin Ghaelgagh (GCSE equivalent) in Manx.

For more information go to Bunscoill Ghaelgagh

Secondary Level Tuition and Teisht Chadjin Ghaelgagh (TCG)

Pupils can choose to study Manx at any of the Department of Education and Children's secondary schools. They can also opt to study for the TCG (a GCSE equivalent course), run by the Department of Education and Children, which first became available in September 1997. Based on current modern foreign language exam specifications, it is available to pupils who have studied Manx to Key Stage 4. In addition to this, there is a modular course available for adult learners.

Advanced certificate in Manx - Ard-Teisht Ghaelgagh

This is an A-level equivalent qualification with a specification in line with other A level modern language courses.

For further information regarding Manx language learning in schools contact the Manx Language Officer:

Manx Language Officer

Unnid Gaelgagh

Derby Road


Isle of Man


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