General Practice Trainers

GP Trainers Contacts

ContactLocationEmail address
Dr Sushma Chandra, Training Programme Director Village Walk/Laxey
Dr Adrienne Rogers Palatine
Dr Thenral Anand Peel
Dr Nick Ardern Village Walk/Laxey
Dr Brian Kealy Kensington
Dr Helen Freer Finch Hill
Rebecca Smith - GP Specialty School Manager Cheshire and Mersey Academy (knows everything about GP training, will be able to signpost you to others if required)

Clare Malpas - Associate Dean GP HEE(NW), Cheshire and Mersey Academy (person who oversees our training scheme at the deanery)

Claire Newall Primary Care Services, 
GP Professional Services Officer

Useful sources of information

NHS UK - General Practice Education in Health Education England working across the North West

Education and science

Resource for AKT

Royal College of General Practitioners

Online learning for GPs

Teaching/tutorial resources:

GP education and training resource

The Calgary-cambridge guide: A Guide to the Medical Interview 

bradford vts

Educational supervision bradford vts

HRT Tutorial

F2 Tutorial proforma HMB contraception

Repeat Prescribing and Medication Reviews

HSCB Primary Care Medication Review Guidance

Repeat prescribing in primary care

CEPP National Audit - Repeat Prescribing

Prescribing guidance

Using the NO TEARS tool for medication review - The BMJ

England factsheets

New Contract

NHS - Information for employers

STHK Template Work Schedule GPST1

STHK Template Work Schedule GPST2

STHK Template Work Schedule GPST3

JD Contract Mersey

For further information regarding General Practice Training on the Isle of Man please contact Claire Newall, Vocational Training Administrator on 642686 or by email