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The purpose of reablement is to help people who have experienced deterioration in their health and/or have increased support needs to relearn the skills required to keep them safe and independent at home.

People using reablement experience greater improvements in physical functioning and improved quality of life compared with using standard home care.

Aims of service 

To help people who have been assessed as having care needs to maximise their level of independence by learning or relearning the skills necessary for daily living. This service is free for people who are at significant risk of losing their safety and independence and is available for up to 6 weeks. 

The objectives of reablement are: 

  • to maximise  individuals long-term independence, choice and quality of life
  • to minimise ongoing support required
  • to minimise the whole-life cost of care.         

These will be achieved through the use of timely and focused intensive interventions. 


People who may be appropriate for reablement include:

  • People recovering from surgery, heart attacks and strokes or other issues who require support to recover independent living functions
  • People who were previously independent but are at risk of losing functional ability or increasing their dependency on  support services, due to a temporary incapacity/loss of confidence 
  • People who have the ability to live in the community with an appropriate level of support (please see exclusions below)
  • People who have sustained Acquired Brain Injuries when acute intervention has ceased and there is potential to an individual to gain independent living skills

 Each person being referred for reablement will be assessed on an individual basis.

General conditions for acceptance

People using the service must be medically stable, safe to be at home between visits and in agreement to a referral being made.

People using the service users must have potential for improvement, benefiting from an intensive rehabilitation programme.

People using the service must have the motivation and ability to participate with a rehabilitation programme.

Referring a person

Referrals should come from a professional such as:

  • Occupational Therapist
  • Social Worker
  • Hospital Consultant
  • Nurse

 Contact ASAT for more details.

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