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Network Planning

What we do

The Highways Network Planning section identifies traffic problems and seeks solutions in the form of road improvements, traffic regulation and traffic management schemes.


Pre-planning advice is provided to individuals, architects and developers regarding highway and access aspects of proposals. Guidance is provided on residential estate layout and road construction.

The Network Planning Section vets all planning applications initially submitted to the Department of Infrastructure regarding highways and traffic aspects. In some cases the department may object to planning applications, but any enquiries regarding a planning submission should be directed through the Planning Office of the Department of Infrastructure in accordance with the relevant planning process.

Highways maintainable at public expense

The department maintains a register of roads, footways and footpaths which are maintainable at public expense and this information is normally provided to advocates when undertaking property searches. Highway Search Application Form is available in PDF format.

Road bonds and highway adoption

The department has recently introduced new agreements with developers regarding the construction and adoption of new estate roads. Entering into the agreement means that when estate roads are constructed to agreed standards and timescale's they will automatically become an adopted road maintainable at public expense. The Road Bond Agreement Form is available in PDF format. 

The department also proposes to make-up and adopt one un adopted road per year under the Street Works Scheme in accordance with its priority list. 

We are also responsible for the issuing of licences for the construction of buildings over highways.


Highways Network Planning is responsible for:

  • the provision of traffic signs, signals, yellow lines and other road markings.
  • the consideration, recommendation and implementation of new traffic signals, speed limits, weight limits, traffic calming requirements and pedestrian facilities.
  • the collection of data on speed, volume counts and accident statistics are also undertaken by this section.

If you wish to contact us please use the contact button at the top of the page.

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