
See also:
Forms   |   Practice Notes   |   Acts and Regulations


  • Standard establishment of a foundation within 48 hours of receipt of these documents, and costs £100
  • 2 hour establishmenta foundation costs £250 **
  • A 'while you wait' service is available, and costs £500 ***

All establishments are subject to receipt of the correct fee.  A registration fee paid to the Department may not be refundable, whether or not the foundation is registered in accordance with the timeline specified.

** If the ifoundation documents are received by the Department before 2:30 on a business day, the foundation may be established within 2 hours of receipt of the documents. Payment must be made by cash, cheque or card (not bank transfer)

*** If the establishmentdocuments are received by the Department before 4pm on a business day, the foundation may be established while the person who presented the documents waits. Payment must be made by cash, cheque or card (not bank transfer)

Annual returns

if filed on time £380
if filed after 1 month and 1 day to 3 months £480
if filed more than 3 months after the date the Return is made up to £630

Change in foundation instrument

if filed on time £0
if filed after 1 month and 1 day to 3 months £100
if filed more than 3 months after the date the Return is made up to £250

Miscellaneous fees

Inspection of foundation instrument £12
Certificate of fact £50
Certificate of fact - within 3 hours £100
Certified copy of foundation instrument £1.50 per document
Continuance in £100
Continuance out £550
Winding up £0