Cross Compliance Statistics

Agricultural Development Scheme ('ADS') Cross Compliance Inspections 

Payment under this Scheme is dependent upon meeting cross compliance standards (please see Chapter 6 of the Farmers Handbook).

There is an annual cycle of cross compliance ('XC') inspections. Over the 5 years 2009-2013, all farms were inspected at least once. Some farms received additional inspections, due to reports of breaches (termed ‘standalone’ inspections).  

During a cross compliance inspection, the field officer will: 

  • Check the whole farm including fields and boundaries (land eligibility / breaches);
  • Check livestock records, pesticide use records and medicine records;
  • Visible checks including animal welfare, pollution, hedge-trimming/removal, livestock identification breaches, storage of illegal medicines, litter and weeds.

From scheme year 2014 onwards, we are inspecting all new applicants plus some re-inspections based on risk. The number of holdings to be inspected each year depends in part on how well the rules for ADS are being followed across the Island.  Good practice will result in fewer inspections. 

These results are displayed in the downloadable document on the right-hand side.

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