Covid-19 Coronavirus


Active Members

If you want to stop working and are eligible to retire from the Unified Scheme, please contact us at and we will provide you with an estimate request form. Please note if you do not have a confirmed retirement date there may be a £70 charge per estimate.

Your latest annual benefit statement will give you an estimate of the benefits you can expect.

If you are definitely retiring, meaning you have already confirmed your resignation with your employer and have a leaving date, then we are happy to supply you with an estimate of your retirement pension and lump sum free of charge. 

If you require a retirement estimate, please complete the Estimate Request Form and return it to the PSPA.

Once you receive your confirmed retirement estimate you will need to:    

  • Choose the level of pension and cash lump sum you want (use the Lump Sum Modeller to do this)

  • Complete all of the forms we send you with your estimate

  • Provide us with some identification documents

Once these are completed correctly, we will set up your pension and start paying your regular income.

We recommend you take the time to read the information provided with your estimate very carefully.

Important things you should know

  • To claim your retirement pension, you must resign from all your employments

  • Once you start receiving your pension you will not be permitted to re-join the Unified Scheme

  • Pensions are paid monthly on the 25th of each month

  • Please note that receipt of your first pension instalment plus any lump sum can be up to two months after your retirement date

  • Lump sums are paid directly into your bank account on Fridays only

Further information on how and when your pension and any lump sum will be paid, can be found in the Unified Scheme Member Guide. Firefighters (Section 7 members) read Firefighters Member Guide.

Deferred Members

If you want to claim your deferred pension, please complete and return the Unified Scheme Deferred Benefits Claim Form. Your latest annual statement will tell you what benefits you can expect. 

If you need another estimate then please request one by completing the Estimate Request Form and returning to us. Please note there may be a charge for providing this estimate. 

Lump Sums

You can use the Lump Sum Modeller to see how the amount of cash lump sum you take could affect your pension. Or if you know how much pension you want to receive each year, you can see how this will affect the amount of cash lump sum you take.  

Charging for Retirement Estimates 

The PSPA may make a charge for providing you with an estimate, please refer to our Schedule of Charges or the Charges page of this website for more information.

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