Police Scheme

This page gives you a brief overview of the key provisions of your Scheme. More information can be found in the Scheme Guide or in the FAQs section. If you can’t find the information you are looking for please contact us.

The Police Schemes are defined benefit pension schemes including:

  • Police Pensions Regulations 2010 Scheme (PPR 2010)
  • Police Pensions Regulations 1991 Scheme (PPR 1991)

Both you and the Isle of Man Government contribute money towards the retirement benefits you receive.

When you retire you will receive a pension (a regular retirement income) and an optional cash lump sum. There are also other benefits like death benefits and ill health retirement.

You can read a more in-depth description of the scheme further down the page.


Your Benefits

When you retire you will receive a pension (e.g. a regular retirement income). You can also take an optional cash lump sum by exchanging some of your pension.

The amount you receive will be based on your pay before you retire and how long you have worked for the police. So, unlike a bank account, your total savings aren’t calculated based on how much money you contribute.

To find our more, read your Member Guide - Police 2010 or Police 1991.

How much will it cost me? 

You will pay a contribution based on your basic annual salary and how much you will pay will depend on which Police Scheme you are a member of. The table below show the current rate of contribution for each scheme.

Basic Annual SalaryContribution Rate
1991 Scheme 2010 Scheme
Under £27,000 n/a 11.00%
£27,001 to £60,000 14.25% 12.05%
Over £60,000 15.05% 12.75%

Top up your savings

If you think you might need a bigger pension, you can top up your retirement savings and pay what you can afford to at different times of your life. Depending on which scheme you are in, this could be via additional voluntary contributions, purchasing additional pension or purchasing additional years of service.

To learn more about topping up, visit Topping up your pension.

Protection for your family 

The Police Schemes will provide you and your family with valuable protection, through:

  • Ill health retirement – If you are too ill to work, you may be able to retire early and take your pension benefits

  • Death in service benefits – If you die in service before you retire, providing you were a member of the scheme at the time, the Police Schemes will pay a cash lump sum to your beneficiary

    • For members of the Police Pension Scheme 1991 (PPR 1991) the lump sum will be two times your pay and payable to your spouse or civil partner

    • For members of the Police Pension Scheme 2010 (PPR 2010) the lump sum will be three times your pay and payable to your nominated beneficiary. Members of this scheme can make a beneficiary nomination by completing the Police Pension Scheme 2010 Lump Sum Death Grant Nomination Form

Survivor pensions – If you die in service before you retire, the Police Schemes will also pay a pension for to your spouse, civil or nominated partner and any dependant Children. To find out more about Nominated Partners, please read our Pension for Partners guide.