Summerhill View & Reayrt ny Baie - FAQs

What is happening with Summerhill View?

Summerhill View, a state of the art 60-bed residential care home and day centre on Victoria Road, is nearing completion, with expected handover to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) then Manx Care in spring of 2024.

The new home replaces Reayrt ny Baie, based on Albert Terrace in Douglas, which is now dated and impractical for staff and residents.

Originally it was hoped that the home would be fully staffed by Manx Care, however other options are now being explored to ensure that services in the new facility will be delivered in the most efficient way, balancing value for money and high standards of care. 

Manx Care is therefore investigating the feasibility of commissioning an independent provider to staff and operate the home on behalf of Manx Care.

It is expected that the process of commissioning a third party provider could take up to 12 months. The goal is to initially open two of the four units in this new state-of-the-art building to accommodate some of the residents of Reayrt ny Baie by the end of 2024.

How will this affect Reayrt ny Baie residents?

The new home replaces Reayrt ny Baie, based on Albert Terrace in Douglas, which is now dated and impractical for staff and residents.

The goal is to initially open two of the four units in this new state-of-the-art building to house some of the residents of Reayrt ny Baie by the end of 2024.

Residents/relatives of those at Reayrt ny Baie have been informed of these proposals, and individual discussions will take place going forward to ensure each staff member and resident has an opportunity to discuss their individual circumstances so we can help to find them the most appropriate placement in the future.

We recognise that this may cause some concern, and could be an unexpected change for those who live at Reayrt ny Baie, as well as their families. However, it is important that our residents have somewhere to live that is fit for purpose, and which will be able to fulfil all of their needs – Summerhill View will deliver this for them, and allow our residents to live in a more comfortable and appropriate environment than they have been previously used to.

How will this affect Reayrt ny Baie staff?

Individual discussions will take place going forward to ensure each staff member has an opportunity to discuss their individual circumstances so we can help to find them the most appropriate job in the future. Options may include redeployment to Summerhill View under an independent provider’s employment, or redeployment to another Manx Care service.  

How will residents and staff be kept up to date?

Meetings have already been held with staff, residents and their families to ensure they are fully updated and have been given the opportunity to ask questions.

We are committed to keeping residents, families and staff updated and this will be done through staff briefing sessions at Reayrt ny Baie, written updates for residents and families, as well as in-person meetings if there are significant changes.

Why can’t Manx Care staff the new facility?

Summerhill View requires many more staff than Reayrt ny Baie, with four 15-bed units, and en-suites for each resident.

Originally it was hoped that the home would be fully staffed by Manx Care, however other options are now being explored to ensure that services in the new facility will be delivered in the most efficient way, balancing value for money and high standards of care. Manx Care is therefore investigating the feasibility of commissioning an independent provider to staff and operate the home on behalf of Manx Care.

Manx Care are considering the feasibility of opening two of the four units with its own staff by the end of 2024, to house current residents of Reayrt ny Baie in the brand new facility.

Why is there no firm date for opening Summerhill View?

There is no firm date at this time as the building has not been handed over yet. Once it is handed over, Manx Care will need to undertake work to complete the fit out of the facility, staff will need to undertake operational training, and detailed plans will need to be in place to ensure the safe move of residents currently living in Reayrt ny Baie.