Policy on Public Meetings

Introduction and purpose

This policy on Board Meetings in Public is one of several means introduced by the Directors of Manx Care for involving members of the public.

Board Meetings in Public

Manx Care will hold six Board meetings in public a year attended by directors and the chief executive. The objective of these meetings is to review that the operations of Manx Care are meeting the strategic objectives, key activities are reviewed, contractual and other performance measures are being met, good governance observed, and any corrective action agreed. Any member of the public from across the Isle of Man is welcome to attend at these meetings of the Manx Care Board.

Notice of Board meetings

Manx Care will give three clear working days’ notice of any public meeting by posting details at the place where the meeting is to be located, if possible, and on the Manx Care website.

Access to agenda and reports

Manx Care will make the agenda and any associated reports three working days on the Manx Care website. If an item is added to the agenda afterwards, the revised agenda will be posted to the website.

Supply of printed copies

Manx Care will make available at its Executive Team Office a printed copy of any agenda and associated reports for inspection and for collection.  Manx Care reserves the right to levy an administrative fee to cover any reasonable printing and postage costs in this regard.

Access to agenda and reports at a public Board meeting

Manx Care will make available a minimum of two copies of the agenda and one copy of associated reports (the office set) for the use of members of the public present at the meeting.

Admission of reporters to Board meetings

Manx Care will make reasonable facilities available to any person attending for the purpose of reporting the proceedings.

Right of the public to address Board meetings

Whilst these are meetings in public, they are not public meetings and the public do not have an automatic right to speak. There will be an agenda item during which the public will be invited to make any general statements.

Questions are welcome in advance in writing, by email, twitter or by telephone and those received in advance will take priority. Members of the public do not need to attend the meeting to have their question answered. The Chair will also invite the public to raise questions. Those asked will be answered if possible, during the meeting. If this is not possible, a written reply will be sent within 10 working days.

The time limit for an individual will be three minutes and in the interests of good order each individual will be limited to two questions or statements during the meeting.

Access to agenda, reports and minutes after the Board meeting

Manx Care will make available copies of the following at its Executive Team Office and on its website:

  • Agenda and associated reports, excluding any which are exempt or contain confidential information
  • Minutes and records of decisions taken, excluding any part of the minutes of proceedings where the meeting was not open to the public or which disclose exempt or confidential information
  • Draft minutes will be posted within 10 working days and may be amended at the subsequent Board meeting if necessary. They will have been reviewed by the Chair and Chief Executive

Exclusion of access by the public to Board meetings

There is a presumption that all meetings will be held in public. However, there may be times when the nature of the business to be transacted or of the proceedings means that confidential or commercially sensitive information would be disclosed. In these instances, following a resolution by the Board, members of the public will be excluded for that part of the meeting.

Exclusion of access by the public to reports and minutes

The Chair of Manx Care will exclude access by members of the public to reports and minutes related to items during which the meeting is not open to the public. Such reports and minutes will be marked ‘not for publication’ with a brief note of the reason.

Maintenance of good order

The Chair shall at his or her sole discretion, have the right to exclude any person whose behaviour is or likely to be disruptive to the meeting, and to suspend the meeting until any such person has been excluded.  The Chair also reserves the right to discount written or verbal questions that are defamatory, offensive or outside the remit of Manx Care. The Chair also reserves the right to change the timings of when public questions are taken during the meeting.

Disability access

Manx Care will ensure that public meetings are held in locations offering ease of access and car parking for all.

Policy agreedbyReview date at latest
February 2021 Manx Care Board of Directors April 2022