Mrs Michele Moroney - Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Michele Moroney

Mrs Michele Moroney MBChB FRCOG, is the Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Noble's Hospital with a special interest in fertility problems. She graduated from Manchester University Medical School in 1985 and entered the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 1986. After a thorough general training in Manchester and Sheffield she moved further north to pursue her special interest in infertility on the Assisted Conception Unit at Leeds General Infirmary. She took up her first Consultant post in 1996 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia before being appointed at Noble's Hospital in 1999.

In the 22 years that she has been in post she has developed and maintained the fertility services on the Island and has set up a successful satellite IVF unit with Leeds. She has also set up links with other mainland tertiary fertility centres allowing couples to have complex fertility treatments in the UK with the comfort and reassurance of expert local support.

In 2010, Mrs Moroney was voted winner of the 'Pride in Mann' Good Service (Public Sector) Award for her commitment to fertility services in the Isle of Man.