Setting up a charity

How do I set up a charity?

There are a number of decisions to consider before establishing a charity. On this page, we set out guidance to help you consider and decide:

  • What will your charity do? – What is it’s charitable purpose, who is it intended to assist and by what means, and what activities will it carry out?

  • What legal structure will the charity have? – Charitable organisations can be a trust, unincorporated association, a company or other type of corporate body, on which trustees will need to take their own advice

  • What name will the charity have? – Will it need a trading name, business name or other name?

  • Who will be the trustees? – Trustees have some legal responsibilities in running a charity, and so you’ll need to make sure that trustees have appropriate skills and experience, and can give up the necessary time to your charity

Please note that this page, along with the sub-options for pages below, are currently under construction, and more information will be added soon.

Set up a charity: step by step

Step 3 - Find trustees